Completing 2017

Endings can be a sad time for some. When I complete a coaching engagement with a client, I like to have a ‘completion session’ to ensure time is set aside to reflect on the progress made during our work together. For me, it’s important to encourage my client to celebrate and acknowledge how far they have come, which may otherwise be stepped over. I also like my clients to leave our engagement with clarity on what new skills and experiences they will take with them as they move forward, more resourceful than they were before.

As we approach the end of 2017, I have the same sense of looking back over the past year.  Thinking about what I need to acknowledge before I turn my attention to the new challenges that lie ahead in 2018.

I like to think about this in three ways.

I am here. Where is here?

It’s incredible to think how far I’ve come over the last year. I have achieved many milestones that I set for myself and if I were to summarise the three things I’m most proud of they would be:

  • Completing the formal part of my Certification programme and passing my written exam.
  • Recognising what I needed to learn and executing a plan to address that.
  • Creating and building relationships with my business partners.

Starting a business is not for the fainthearted, and I know from experience now why people say that. It has been a rollercoaster. I’m immensely proud that I’ve survived my first year in business. When I think about what’s different now compared to a year ago, it’s much clearer to me what it means to ‘go to market’. There has been a steep learning curve for me about sales and marketing, and I see this as an ongoing journey.

What have I learned?

I love to learn, and it’s been a year of learning. Being in business is not just about being good at what you do, if only it were that simple! Resilience is key. This year has been about picking myself up when things haven’t gone the way I expected. Being kind to myself when I’ve made mistakes (there have been a few!). Lastly, I’ve learned to keep going, stay focused on my goals and to celebrate my achievements.

I have also learned to be more grateful in my life. There are many people I would l like to thank and things I appreciate, not least my clients. In particular, those who agreed to work with me during my Certification Programme. The ones who gave me feedback and challenged me. I am always humbled when my clients are willing to be vulnerable, excited when we co-create a safe and courageous space for growth and inspired by witnessing their transformation. I am also indebted to my fabulous business mentor and my lovely coach. Both women have guided and supported me through the ups and downs of the past year and having them in my corner has made such a difference.  I also would be no-where without my husband who always believes in me and is a very handy web-designer too!

What’s next?

I always say that I hate when people use the term ‘I’m excited’ I think it’s probably an overhang from working for an American company for a long time. I am genuinely excited, however, about 2018. I am in a much stronger position starting this New Year than I was as I looked ahead to 2017 which I see now as a foundational year. I feel like I have a springboard or launch pad allowing me to hit the ground running. I am looking forward to sitting my Oral exam which will hopefully see me see me gain my professional coaching qualification. I’m also eager to get my new interview series launched in my community which makes me feel nervous but giddy at the same time. Last but not least I’m curious about the people I’ll connect with in 2018, anticipating the partnerships we’ll create, the relationships we’ll build and the great things we will do together.

So as the sun sets on 2017, I hope you will join me in giving yourself permission to reflect and celebrate the journey you’ve been on this year.

To facilitate your own reflection on 2017, you may find the questions below helpful.

Thanks for reading and I wish you a happy and healthy festive season.



You are here. Where is here?

What’s different now compared to where you were at the start of the year?
What have you achieved that you’d like to celebrate?
What are some of your successes?
What are you proud of?
What are you grateful for?


What have you learned about yourself?
What are you letting go of?

What’s next?

As you think about next year, what do you want for yourself?
What is your north star vision of where you are heading?
What structures will you put in place to ensure your success going forward?

What Else?

What else do you need to say or do to be complete with 2017?


To work with me to create a launch pad for your 2018 journey:

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